Artist at work with Darren Villegas
Darren Villegas, IE based muralist, digital designer and illustrator. If you’ve lived, worked, or passed through the IE, chances are you’ve seen, walked by, or rode near or around his works of art.
Growing up in the IE, he shared his time with split parents in San Bernardino and Colton. From 3rd through 12th grade, he was in the San Bernardino public school system and also attended Valley College for a short period of time.
Art has always been his vehicle to imagine a more creative perspective of his surroundings while growing up in San Bernardino. It also transformed the streets into an unlimited artscape for his young imagination.
As a teen in the early and mid 90’s, he played out his creative fantasies in the streets of SB and Colton. Exploring the unkept parts of the city that few would ever see, many times on his own, leaving colorful expressions in the darkness. It was exhilarating, character shaping, scary, and dangerous all at the same time.
All those early years in San Bernardino and Colton were the foundation of his life’s artistic journey.
About a year ago, Darren made the big leap and started his business MASS murals, which stands for Mural Art and Signage Solutions. These days his household’s livelihood and his creative works are one in the same. It requires a lot of drive, and a never ending commitment to learning new things about business, and the art industry.
We asked him if he had any advice for other folx in the IE/SB who are looking to take their art more seriously, “To reach your art goals, there is no substitution for paying your dues and putting in the work. It may take a decade or more before you reach your goals, as it should. Discouraging things should happen to you along the way, but that's just to weed out who really deserves it. So get to it my friend!”
Thanks Darren for sharing your time and your words! You are living proof that passion and hard work and creativity can take you to new heights. Make sure to follow him and his work on IG @darren.vs.drama and website:
Stay tuned in for the full interview on the print version! Looking forward to what Darren will create in the future!